Meet JurisTech’s creative flock that centres around the UX of thingsBy Kelly Tan| 2022-06-10T09:54:04+00:00 4th October, 2021|Here at JurisTech, we have the fortune of collaborating with numerous teams in our artistic endeavours. Our abilities to be [...]
Fintech 2022: Not slowing down, is the answerBy Nuralia Mazlan| 2021-10-07T11:08:07+00:00 1st October, 2021|2020 has definitely been a revolutionary year for the century; starting with the pandemic forcing multiple industries to evolve at [...]
Digital lending and its move into the Fintech spaceBy Laura Tsen| 2021-10-01T17:08:14+00:00 20th September, 2021|Digital lending has the capabilities to provide the instant gratification customers are looking for when it comes to applying for loans. Fintechs sees the need to make finance more accessible and effortless.
Managing documents in all the right places with Juris V-BoxBy Nuralia Mazlan| 2024-01-24T10:49:36+00:00 14th September, 2021|Online collaboration platforms have easily evolved rapidly in recent years. Managing documents at work should no longer be a tedious [...]
JurisTech’s Credit Scoring Engine: An OverviewBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2024-01-24T10:50:22+00:00 24th August, 2021|Using JurisTech's credit scoring engine, Juris Score, financial lenders can identify and determine people who carry a risk of being potential defaulters and streamline applications in the process of granting loans. Learn more about Juris Score.
How COVID-19 affected the Fintech industry and consumerismBy Nuralia Mazlan| 2021-09-15T18:47:43+00:00 16th August, 2021| Image credit: Unsplash Almost two years after the world's first come to a halt due to COVID-19, digital transformation has [...]
How to leverage the financial services ecosystem for better debt collectionBy Laura Tsen| 2024-01-24T10:51:53+00:00 5th August, 2021|JurisTech’s end-to-end, fully compliant Collection Suite connects collections, recovery, customer communications, and artificial intelligence all-in-one complete ecosystem.
CollectXpress: Serving the underserved marketBy Nuralia Mazlan| 2024-01-24T10:52:07+00:00 15th July, 2021|Credits: Unsplash SMEs have long been one of the main pillars of the global economy, supplying about 60-70% of work [...]
JurisTech expands in Uganda: tapping into a new market to revolutionise Fintech industry in the African continent.By Nuralia Mazlan| 2022-06-10T09:54:50+00:00 8th July, 2021|Source: Start Journal 8th July 2021, Kuala Lumpur - JurisTech is excited to announce we have officially opened our first [...]