• About Us 2024-07-05T17:19:27+00:00

    About Us

    Our vision is to create amazing solutions, build and enrich lives.

    Our Story

    JurisTech (Juris Technologies) is a globally leading fintech company, specialising in enterprise-class software solutions for banks, financial institutions, and telecommunications companies in Malaysia, Southeast Asia, and beyond.

    Founded amidst the 1997 Asian financial crisis, JurisTech provides software solutions for artificial intelligence (AI), conversational chatbots, digital customer onboarding, loan origination, credit scoring, loan documentation, litigation and debt collection. We have been working with banks and financial institutions (FI) to revolutionise the way financial transactions are made. Our solutions have enabled banks and FIs to transform digitally, providing better customer experience or journey, and most importantly, achieve their business goals.

    What We Offer

    We offer an end-to-end credit management solution for everything from digital banking, digital engagement, to credit management, to artificial intelligence. We deliver personalised customer experience with a 100% successful project delivery record.

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    We love to solve problems. With a vision to create amazing software solutions, build and enrich lives, we have set out on a mission to become the best credit management solutions provider in the world!


    At JurisTech, we live by this tagline: the right software, exceptionally delivered.

    “The right software” shows that we want to provide real, tangible benefits to our clients. Having the right software solution will empower our client’s productivity and efficiency.

    “Exceptionally delivered” displays the way we conduct our business excellently and ethically. We have built lasting relationships by delivering superior customer experience, through robust-yet-flexible solutions. We believe our delivery capability is as critical to JurisTech’s success in making the best credit management provider in the world!


    100 10 10. Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

    We want to reach 100 institutions in 10 different countries in 10 years (2028).

    The term “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” was proposed by James Collins and Jerry Porras in their 1994 book entitled Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. It serves as unifying focal point of effort and acts as a clear catalyst for team spirit.

    Our Global Footprint

    We are a borderless company. Our robust and agile technology and business processes equips us with powerful capabilities. Headquartered in Malaysia, we serve customers from Asia, Australia, Middle East and Africa.

    “We see an acceleration of digital transformation initiatives all over the world. We believe there is a need to go fully digital due to the ongoing pandemic. Not only do we offer banking solutions, but we also offer innovative solutions to credit leasing companies to enable their merchants to sell goods faster through the ability to offer instant decisions on financing of goods online. For small lenders and Fintechs, we offer a cloud-based lending solution as a subscription service. We are pivoting to cloud-based faster-to-market solutions for smaller companies although all the while our main customer base has been the bigger financial institutions.”

    – See Wai Hun, CEO of JurisTech

    Our Leaders

    Our revolutionary leaders that inspire and aspire innovation in technology to bring the world one step closer to financial inclusion.

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    Our Core Values

    Our GECO values guides and shapes our culture and daily principles we hold.

    Growing Heroes

    Making Excellence Happen

    Customer First

    Opening Up

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    Our Capabilities

    We posses strong capabilities that builds trust and confidence among our clients. It’s in our DNA to make excellence happen and to put our customers first.

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    Our Award and Accolades

    We are honoured and humbled to receive recognition for the things we do and love which is to create amazing solutions, build and enrich lives.

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