SME Bank awards Collection & Recovery tender to JurisTechBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:31:38+00:00 30th March, 2012|Juris has proven expertise in legal recovery, connecting lawyers to banks for loan and financing recovery with the entire legal workflow process.
Agro Bank awards Conveyancing and Litigation software to Juris Technologies and HeitechBy JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:36:57+00:00 28th February, 2012|Agro Bank awards Conveyancing and Litigation tender to Juris reseller Heitech for Juris Legal product suite that has been widely used by banks for over 15 years.
BSN to embark on RM100mil Core Banking Replacement ProgrammeBy JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:08+00:00 17th January, 2012|BSN partners with Juris Technologies, HeiTech Padu Bhd and its partners, BML Istirehat to undertake the delivery of Core Banking and Loans Origination and Collections systems for both conventional and Islamic banking products as well as services.
HSBC Mortgage Partner Portal launched with Juris Legal ConveyancingBy JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:17+00:00 15th December, 2011|HSBC Malaysia's conveyancing portal was built using Juris Legal's proven workflow system that allows banks to connect with third parties such as lawyers and valuers.
Telekom Malaysia CAMS project: CAPS and FRS-139 systemsBy JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:26+00:00 1st August, 2011|Telekom partners with Juris Technologies for customer acquisition and customer assessment, to score and assess credit-worthiness of customers and to quantify the risk of their corporate customer portfolio for more accurate risk provisioning.
Affin Bank rolls out final phase of Collection System and FRS-139By JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:35+00:00 11th July, 2011|Affin Bank successfully completes the implementation of the final phase of their Juris Collection System and FRS-139 Impairment System.
TM launches CAMSBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:28:34+00:00 8th June, 2011|Telekom Malaysia (TM) successfully launched the Credit Assessment and Management System (CAMS) project nationwide.
Telekom CAMS Project Awarded to JurisTech Reseller: Thames TechnologiesBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:27:59+00:00 14th July, 2010|This multi-million ringgit project involves replacing the currrent Collection Managment System (CMS) with Juris Collect and the implemention of the new Credit Assessment & Profiling System (CAPS) using Juris Score.
Affin Bank awards Collection Management System to JurisTechBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:27:07+00:00 1st January, 2010|Juris Technologies is providing a collection system for Affin Bank to manage the delinquent accounts in Affin Bank's retail portfolio as it is known for its excellent track record and leading-edge collection technology with advanced scoring and predictive functionality.
Bank Rakyat NPL: brought down to 1.2 per cent from 1.9 per centBy JurisTech| 2020-04-10T16:12:59+00:00 1st October, 2009|BKRM uses several of Juris Technologies credit management products to manage their Financing Portfolio and NPLs, including Juris Collect, Juris Origination Management, and Juris Score.
TM rolls out SAVE Retention program using JurisTech PlatformBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:25:58+00:00 26th May, 2009|Juris Technologies was chosen to implement Telekom Malaysia's SAVE program due to the vast experience and familiarity in the telecommunications industry and credit management.
JurisTech Integrates CRC with Aspect PDS for Telekom MalaysiaBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:25:06+00:00 26th May, 2009|Juris Technologies developed TM's Customer Retention & Collection System (CRC) to track delinquent customers and to carry out customer retention and anti-attrition initiatives.