Composite AI vs Generative AI: Which is Better for Banks?Which AI technology is better suited for the future of banking—Composite AI or Generative AI (GenAI)? Uncover the unique strengths and differences between Composite AI and GenAI to see which might hold the edge for your bank's success.By JurisTech| 2025-01-15T16:12:24+00:00 20th September, 2024|
How Embedded Finance is Driving Innovation in the Banking SectorBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2022-12-08T14:08:30+00:00 28th October, 2022|Embedded finance has been getting a lot of buzz in recent years bringing about innovative ways for non-financial players and financial service providers to digitally transform their businesses and bring a new meaning to customer experience. Learn more about the concept of embedded finance by reading the full article.
Elevate Your Digital Onboarding Process with eKYCBy Laura Tsen| 2024-01-24T10:16:13+00:00 19th October, 2022|Create an engaging end-to-end digital onboarding journey to accelerate your customers' financial-related applications. Read more to learn how eKYC adds a special touch to it.
Cloud Computing in Banking: Far-fetched, or Within Reach?By Ming Yih| 2024-01-24T10:17:24+00:00 13th October, 2022|Cloud technology has come a long way since its inception. Read on to explore the reasons why it's good for financial institutions, so much so that the VP of Gartner quoted “There is no business strategy without a cloud strategy.”
Overfitting and How Juris Mindcraft Solves ItBy Sabrina Looi| 2022-10-17T12:07:20+00:00 11th October, 2022|Did you know one of the biggest concerns in ensuring machine learning functions well is overfitting? Our very own proprietary artificial intelligence (AI), Juris Mindcraft is created to help make your work easier, and here is how
How Does OCR Technology Help The Banking Industry?By Ming Yih| 2022-10-17T12:07:10+00:00 13th September, 2022|OCR technology has been implemented across a multitude of industries. Read on to learn more about the benefits of adopting OCR technology in the banking industry, and how JurisTech can help digitise the banking industry.
How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Improve Your Lending ProcessBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2022-10-17T12:06:50+00:00 19th August, 2022|Traditional lending processes are of the past. With new AI-powered technologies spurring in more competitiveness in the lending market, financial institutions are bound to see the greater truth of digital adoption. Learn how you can speed up and improve lending processes.
Unboxing the “Black Box”: The Need for ExplainabilityBy Sophia Teh| 2024-01-24T10:19:32+00:00 16th August, 2022|This is part 2 of the series answering one of the most popular questions on Artificial Intelligence (AI). What is the reasoning behind the claims of the “black box problem” by data scientists when it comes to machine learning and AI?
Debt Collection Made Easy with NexColl: Top FAQsBy Sabrina Looi| 2024-01-24T10:20:26+00:00 5th August, 2022|Have any enquiries about our debt recovery software, NexColl? Read this article here for some of the most frequently asked questions.
Credit Management Made Easy with JurisTechBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2022-09-08T12:38:43+00:00 1st August, 2022|Check out the importance of having credit management software and how JurisTech can digitally transform your business today!