Building a Digital Bank and Creating ValueBy Laura Tsen| 2021-06-16T15:54:07+00:00 7th May, 2021|Visa in collaboration with Malaysia Digital Economy Corp (MDEC) launched the Visa Virtual Digital Day 2021 with an interesting panel discussion Building a Digital Bank and Creating Value – Perspectives from Challengers and Enablers.
How to adopt the right Loan Origination SystemBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2024-01-24T15:03:37+00:00 30th July, 2020|With a loan origination market that is teeming with vendors, all claiming to have “powerful flexible systems”, it might be daunting for a financial institution to pick out the right vendor to meet their needs. With Juris Origination, financial institutions can handle various business segments all while going through a seamless customer journey.
Juris Origination Management (JOM) grabs Premium Usability and Rising Star Awards from FinancesOnline Directory!By Laura Tsen| 2020-04-13T21:07:07+00:00 29th April, 2019|Juris Origination Management is a web-based Loan Origination System (LOS) built on a flexible, yet robust approval workflow platform which is designed to shorten the time required for product deployment.