TM launches CAMSBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:28:34+00:00 8th June, 2011|Telekom Malaysia (TM) successfully launched the Credit Assessment and Management System (CAMS) project nationwide.
Telekom CAMS Project Awarded to JurisTech Reseller: Thames TechnologiesBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:27:59+00:00 14th July, 2010|This multi-million ringgit project involves replacing the currrent Collection Managment System (CMS) with Juris Collect and the implemention of the new Credit Assessment & Profiling System (CAPS) using Juris Score.
Bank Rakyat NPL: brought down to 1.2 per cent from 1.9 per centBy JurisTech| 2020-04-10T16:12:59+00:00 1st October, 2009|BKRM uses several of Juris Technologies credit management products to manage their Financing Portfolio and NPLs, including Juris Collect, Juris Origination Management, and Juris Score.