SME Bank rolls out Juris CollectBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:33:07+00:00 15th May, 2012|The fastest implementation Juris has ever done for its comprehensive collection system: from cradle to completion took only three months.
SME Bank awards Collection & Recovery tender to JurisTechBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:31:38+00:00 30th March, 2012|Juris has proven expertise in legal recovery, connecting lawyers to banks for loan and financing recovery with the entire legal workflow process.
Affin Bank rolls out final phase of Collection System and FRS-139By JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:35+00:00 11th July, 2011|Affin Bank successfully completes the implementation of the final phase of their Juris Collection System and FRS-139 Impairment System.