BSN to embark on RM100mil Core Banking Replacement ProgrammeBy JurisTech| 2020-03-27T17:37:08+00:00 17th January, 2012|BSN partners with Juris Technologies, HeiTech Padu Bhd and its partners, BML Istirehat to undertake the delivery of Core Banking and Loans Origination and Collections systems for both conventional and Islamic banking products as well as services.
Bank Rakyat NPL: brought down to 1.2 per cent from 1.9 per centBy JurisTech| 2020-04-10T16:12:59+00:00 1st October, 2009|BKRM uses several of Juris Technologies credit management products to manage their Financing Portfolio and NPLs, including Juris Collect, Juris Origination Management, and Juris Score.
TM rolls out SAVE Retention program using JurisTech PlatformBy JurisTech| 2022-03-21T12:25:58+00:00 26th May, 2009|Juris Technologies was chosen to implement Telekom Malaysia's SAVE program due to the vast experience and familiarity in the telecommunications industry and credit management.