Telekom CAMS Project Awarded to JurisTech Reseller: Thames TechnologiesThis multi-million ringgit project involves replacing the currrent Collection Managment System (CMS) with Juris Collect and the implemention of the new Credit Assessment & Profiling System (CAPS) using Juris Score.
Bank Rakyat NPL: brought down to 1.2 per cent from 1.9 per centBKRM uses several of Juris Technologies credit management products to manage their Financing Portfolio and NPLs, including Juris Collect, Juris Origination Management, and Juris Score.
Case Study: Bank RakyatThanks to Juris Collect, the rate of NPLs was brought down to 1.2 per cent from 1.9 per cent during the first nine months of 2009 (January to September 2009).