Debt Collection: A Step Back in TimeBy Laura Tsen| 2020-04-27T16:55:47+00:00 8th April, 2020|Take a look at the evolution of debt collection right from the ancient times in 3000BC to today's civilised and legalised methods. How times have changed!
Top three must-haves for an enterprise debt collection systemBy Reuben Thum| 2025-01-15T16:21:29+00:00 9th November, 2019|The key differentiator of an enterprise-class debt collection system, is its ability to scale and make sense of all the data it already has, fast.
The Public Sector Home Financing Board (LPPSA) Propels Itself into a New Era of Digital Transformation with Juris Technologies.By Laura Tsen| 2021-04-23T10:33:10+00:00 5th August, 2019|JurisTech's loan management system enabling LPPSA into a new era of digital transformation to ease and automate the process of housing loan application in order to achieve that goal of disbursing RM12 billion in home loans by the end of this year.