JurisTech CEO See Wai Hun Gives Virtual Career Talk At Asia Pacific University The viral spread of COVID-19 has created a global pandemic that has taken a toll on several businesses and industries around the world. Moreover, it had led to many economies falling into recession. This has put a major impact on businesses’ recruitment processes and familiarising themselves with new and innovative means of creating jobs. Our CEO, See Wai Hun, was recently invited to a virtual talk at Asia Pacific University (APU) on 21st April 2020. She shed knowledge on how JurisTech tweaked their recruitment process to adapt to the difficult times, and shared valuable insights with students on tips to improve the chances of getting employed. The career talk was hosted on Microsoft Team’s video call by Vicknisha Balu, lecturer, along with the support of the student committee, namely, Hii Lee Jia, Ng Zhen Cheng, and Leong Jing Kang. There were over 50 participants of 2nd-year students coming from Computing, Technology, and Games Development backgrounds ready to be instilled with the best practices in becoming the next top talent. Wai Hun begins by introducing JurisTech as a software provider tailored to create innovative solutions for the financial sector. She describes how JurisTech managed to capture a “gold market” in the financial services industry, since the financial crisis in 2008, to help financial institutions strive in difficult times. Some of the solutions Wai Hun shared were our collection software that aid in the collection of debts; litigation software that helps connect lawyers with bank officers more efficiently; loan origination software that simplifies the loan application process; customer onboarding software that allows clients to access and connect their products through multiple channels with their customers; and our Artificial Intelligence (AI) software that uses data mining and machine learning to assess and predict the creditworthiness of loan applicants. By having an extensive and resourceful number of products, JurisTech created a business model that can continue to thrive in different economical stances. Wai Hun mentions how JurisTech is still one of the very few companies that are on a growth spurt and is on the constant hunt for outstanding talent. The number of new recruits at JurisTech (shown in the graph below) has surged to 200 employees over the past 10 years and is continuously climbing in line with the company’s ongoing growth. Wai Hun continues by sharing some of the career opportunities we offer to fresh graduates which include the opportunities of growing as a software engineer or as a professional services engineer (systems analysts). Both positions carry equal importance in collaboration and communication to deliver projects that meet client requests. Furthermore, Wai Hun outlines the potential career growth from starting at JurisTech as a junior software engineer/systems analyst to becoming a manager within the span of 5–7 years. We embrace the recruitment of talented individuals at young ages only to help and watch them grow. Some of our existing employees have made it to managerial levels before hitting 30! Companies need to adapt to new means of recruitment and be able to adjust under the current circumstances of the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. Wai Hun explains how the recruitment process of hiring new talents into JurisTech has shifted remotely through a series of web-based assessments and interviews (as shown in the figure below). Candidates will walk-through a step-by-step process to ensure their eligibility in joining the company. Once they step into JurisTech, it will only be the beginning of an exciting journey of their career. Wai Hun also introduces the Heroes Training Academy (HTA), a unit in JurisTech that transforms any newcomer, tech or non-tech, into becoming a tech leader. HTA provides several training programmes to ensure a career progression for all employees, from the moment they step in JurisTech all the way to becoming a leader. To close it all off, Wai Hun shares some valuable tips and advice on how to nail a job application. She describes several steps in which students can follow when applying for a position at JurisTech. Preparation – This includes preparing a résumé/CV that accommodates all essential details such as your career objective, education background, soft and hard skills, achievements, and hobbies. Wai Hun also stresses the importance of including extracurricular activities for fresh graduates, as JurisTech takes into consideration other aspects of a candidate’s personal highlights. Additionally, it’s important to add a cover letter to briefly summarise yourself and your abilities, let alone, what you can achieve for the company. Assessment – This involves a number of assessments given to candidates such as IQ tests, SQL tests, logic/pseudo code tests, and personality tests. The duration of the assessment is between 1–2 hours where candidates should utilise most of this time to input as much knowledge as they can to the best of their abilities. Candidates should also familiarise themselves with IQ tests that are available online and brush up on their SQL skills before attending the assessments. Interview – The interview process consists of 2–3 levels depending on the position you’re applying for. It would involve being interviewed by your potential hiring manager, the COO, and the CTO where you may also be given a technical test to assess your technical abilities and knowledge, on the spot. Wai Hun advises on using the STAR method, a means of addressing a problem by describing the situation, the tasks and actions used to counter it, and the results of the actions in resolving it. Many can find this stage to be challenging and a little nerve-wracking as it tests their abilities to their very core. It is, however, important to maintain composure and confidence at all times, and above all, always be prepared to answer every question that comes across you. Aside from taking the necessary steps to prepare, Wai Hun mentions how candidates must also take a further step to stand out from the crowd. This means you should dress to impress, as your attire is a reflection of your character. Practise what you’ll be answering ahead of your interview by preparing an opening and closing line for every question. Finally, go the extra mile by conducting a little research on the company you’re applying for. Share some ideas with the interviewer on changes you can make to improve on something or create an impact, based on what you’ve learned. With that, Wai Hun finally ends the talk in a fruitful and informative Q&A session with the students from APU and shares a remark for everyone to be mindful of in their journeys ahead. “Don’t be discouraged if you fail. Always believe that if a door closes on you, another door will be waiting for you.” – See Wai Hun, CEO of JurisTech By Abdullah Al Hindi| 2020-05-12T10:46:49+00:00 29th April, 2020|News| About the Author: Abdullah Al Hindi Abdullah is a Marketing Specialist at JurisTechnologies. He is an avid writer in the fintech and banking industry, and shows great interest in learning about the latest market trends. Related Posts JurisTech’s CEO, See Wai Hun, Highlights the Future of AI-Driven Banking at the East Africa Banking Solutions Summit 12th March, 2025 GenAI Innovation Nexus: Redefining the Future of Lending in Indonesia 7th March, 2025 Empowering Young Lives: JurisTech’s CSR Initiative for Rumah Ozanam 23rd January, 2025