What is OPR, and How Does It Affect Malaysia?By Ming Yih| 2022-11-17T17:47:22+00:00 4th November, 2022|BNM increased the OPR rate from 2.5% to 2.75% yesterday. Read on to explore the effects of the changes within the financial industry.
How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Improve Your Lending ProcessBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2022-10-17T12:06:50+00:00 19th August, 2022|Traditional lending processes are of the past. With new AI-powered technologies spurring in more competitiveness in the lending market, financial institutions are bound to see the greater truth of digital adoption. Learn how you can speed up and improve lending processes.
Credit Management Made Easy with JurisTechBy Abdullah Al Hindi| 2022-09-08T12:38:43+00:00 1st August, 2022|Check out the importance of having credit management software and how JurisTech can digitally transform your business today!