How Mindcraft Automates the AI Life CycleBy Kaiwei Ang| 2024-01-24T15:11:46+00:00 22nd March, 2019| AI Automates Redundant Manual Work In the recent years, [...]
AI Use-cases in Loan OriginationBy JurisTech| 2020-04-13T21:18:07+00:00 10th December, 2018|When billions of dollars are at stake, even a “small” or “incremental” improvement using AI and behavioral analytics can potentially save a bank or financial institutions millions in the long run.
How does AI-based credit scoring fare against traditional credit scoring?By JurisTech| 2024-01-24T15:15:39+00:00 3rd December, 2018|Traditionally, the biggest draw of AI-based credit scoring model is [...]