Staying Ahead of the Game with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in IndonesiaBy Laura Tsen| 2021-11-18T16:58:31+00:00 10th November, 2021|How businesses can level up their playing field by transforming and scaling their business with artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)?
How AI can tap into the unbanked using alternative credit scoringBy Laura Tsen| 2024-01-24T10:52:38+00:00 19th June, 2021|Artificial intelligence (AI) can make finance accessible. The use of AI and alternative credit scoring will bring the world one step closer to achieving financial inclusion.
JurisTech joins Visa Fintech Partner Connect to bring Juris Access, Juris Mindcraft, Juris OneCore, Juris Collect and Juris Origination to Visa’s clients and partnersBy Nuralia Mazlan| 2024-01-24T10:54:11+00:00 8th June, 2021|8th June 2021, Malaysia - JurisTech announced it has joined [...]