• New Juris R&D Innovation Centre

    We are proud to announce the our new Juris R&D Innovation Centre located at

    Lot 7.12, 7th Floor
    One Tech Park
    Tanjung Bandar Utama
    47800 Petaling Jaya

    This will house some of our R&D and Training Facilities and is part of our continued company expansion.

    Note: One Tech Park was formerly known as the Sony Building, and is located near Tropicana.

    By | 2020-03-27T17:38:50+00:00 18th May, 2009|News|

    About the Author:

    The Marketing & Communications team at JurisTech comprises skilled digital marketing strategists and content creators who deliver invaluable insights drawn from our experts in lending and recovery software solutions. For media queries, please contact us at mac@juristech.net.